Electronics Forum: indium solder (Page 1 of 25)

Lead-free solder

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 14 12:27:49 EDT 2004 | pjc

try Indium Corp's SMQ230. http://ncsmq230.indium.net/ Peak "on board" temps of 229C with good wetting have been obtained.

Lead-free solder

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 15 15:54:13 EDT 2004 | pjc

You ned to speak with an apps engineer from a paste supplier that can go through their alloys. I know Indium has such alloys. Any vendor should be able to supply you a list of alloys avbl in NC paste with their liquidous points.

Type 4 solder paste

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 13 13:55:46 EDT 2004 | arcandspark

I have samples coming in, AIM and ALPHA, Multicore use to have manufacturing in the same town but disappeared. Your right about getting better help fro other, Indium is the worse I have ever had to deal with. They act like I am bothering them when I

Type 4 solder paste

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 12 15:52:12 EDT 2004 | wgaffubar

I am using Indium 92J type 4 solder paste due to a BGA site with .008" pads and stencil opening of .009" square and .005" stencil thickness. When I try the type 3 we get insuffecient print. The aspect ratio tells me that I should be using a type 4. T

INDIUM 92J solder paste feedback

Electronics Forum | Sun May 08 07:11:16 EDT 2005 | Rick Iodice

Does anyone have any feedback on how INDIUM 92J performs? What is good? What is bad?

solder alloy preforms

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 21 15:04:00 EDT 2011 | smt_guy

Indium Corpo of America is selling preforms..

Lead Free solder Rework

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 25 09:24:16 EST 2005 | pjc

Here are some of the leading No-Pb solderpaste companies: www.indium.com www.kester.com www.alphametals.com www.aimsolder.com www.multicore.com www.qualitek.com They'll all send free samples.

Lead-free solder alloy:

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 12 00:13:39 EDT 2005 | fctassembly

Sorry to contradict your suggestion but the Asahi 300 series alloys contain indium which is both very expensive and has very limited availability.

Voids in solder fillet

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 17 10:38:02 EDT 2003 | davef

While Russ is correct that a little voiding is OK, your level of voiding [customer complains that the solder surface looks bumpy] doesn't give us the ol' warm and fuzzy about their process control. For background: * Search the fine SMTnet Archives.

INDIUM 92J solder paste feedback

Electronics Forum | Mon May 09 07:27:59 EDT 2005 | cyber_wolf

We have used this paste for about 6 months. It performs very well in a variety of conditions. FYI: Before the 92J we used 92 for about 6 years or so. The 92J is definitely better.

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