Electronics Forum: melf diode (Page 1 of 3)

Problems with diode during wave soldering

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 13 15:44:02 EDT 2012 | mbnetto

Hi everbody, I'm facing some soldering problems with a Diode (SMA) during wave soldering process. During this process almost all the time one of the component pads have no solder, according to the picture dsc000604 attached. Some considerations: * T

Melf Diode Marking Machines

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 18 12:07:11 EDT 2017 | premiermark

Folks, I am looking to find marking machine manufacturers for melf diode components. The parts are DO213AA package type. I am looking for a machine that will put an ink cathode band around the circumference of the glass (see attached image). Anyone

MELF component short togehter

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 13 03:15:01 EDT 2002 | jkhiew

Hi Jax, After component placement, all melf diodes being checked & found no touching each other. Unfortunately, after reflow those MELFs are shorted.

MELF component short togehter

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 12 22:35:03 EDT 2002 | jkhiew

We had alot of problem with melf diode short together after reflow soldering. The clearance is about 0.8mm & we used "v" shaped opening . PLease comment !


Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 04 15:57:31 EST 2002 | soupatech

Before I waste a lot of time and parts..... Will the Fuji CP3 place a melf diode without a special nozzle? If so, what size would you reccomend for best accuracy?

Re: Cylindrical diodes Missing during SMT process.

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 24 04:05:15 EDT 1999 | Scott Davies

| Hello everyone, | We found many cylindrical diodes missing during SMT process. Could someone tell us how to prevent this problem? Is it effective to change the shape of stencil apture or reduce fan speed in reflow oven? Thanks in advance. | | Gyve

Melfs drops down from nozzle.

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 05 10:43:02 EDT 2023 | klauss

I've some special nozzles for melf packaged diodes. When I am trying to mount it on pcb, nozzle picks up the diode and place it well. After 5-6 times of placing, diodes keep drops down to it's package from nozzle. It's like the vacuum doesn't enough

Skewed components

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 25 07:57:36 EDT 2001 | wbu

Steve: Try to find something that�s common to all your skewed parts. We haven�t had much trouble with it except for some MELF diodes a couple of years ago which didn�t look well aligned but made no trouble with specs. Better suited pad design solved

IR oven profiling

Electronics Forum | Mon May 19 09:29:59 EDT 2003 | bradlanger

Dave, We are using Kester Easy Profile 256 No clean Sn62Pb36Ag02. The oven itself is a Dima SMRO-0252 which is a short oven, it has 13" of preheat, 13.5" of soak, 6.25" of reflow, and 10" of cooling on the way out of the oven. We are soldering multi

Wave Soldering Process Restrictions

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 21 08:33:37 EST 2007 | CL

Good Morning Everyone, I just wanted to get a feel for what other Contract Mnufacturers are doing. Do you allow a production PCB assembly with glued SMT components to be wave processed more than once? (e.g. the first pass did not produce acceptable

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