Electronics Forum: mpm momentum

screen printer from MPM

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 11 13:32:11 EST 2004 | ianlg

You might like to look at the R29-V. Its similar to the SPM but a lot cheaper. Check it out on RPAmericas web site. http://www.rpamericas.com. They should be showing it at Apex this year on stand 1417. It also has both std and vac wet/dry usc.

Rheometric Pump Vs Proflow

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 03 10:33:53 EST 2003 | pjc

There was a preview (not released for sale) of the next-generation MPM Rheo Pump at the Cookson Electronics booth at APEX. Its pretty much a complete re-design. Major improvement in performance, maintenance and material conservation. Contact your loc

01005 (0402 in metric unit) printing accuracy

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 20 16:51:03 EDT 2005 | pjc

There is a spec I read that states +/- 0.001" (0.025mm) print deposition accuracy and repeatability is more than adequate for 0201-chip printing. I don't think any print studies where done for 01005 chips yet. There are several other factors besides


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