Electronics Forum: pass through siplace (Page 1 of 40)

E-mail pass word protection?

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 21 16:38:19 EDT 1999 | Jeff Sanchez

I would like to protect my SMTNet e-mail account from others who use my system. I can't seem to find the pass word feature. Although I do incurage going to the site on my system I don't like the idea that everyone can go through my e-mail.

what kind of material can pass through smt process?

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 28 19:07:38 EST 1998 | flag

can some kind of through hole type connector pass through the smt process (with IR technology)???? the temperature factor or material factor?????

Re: what kind of material can pass through smt process?

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 29 03:37:09 EST 1998 | John W

| can some kind of through hole type connector pass through | the smt process (with IR technology)???? | the temperature factor or material factor????? | There's a company called Samtec (web site is www.samtec.com) who can provide these.They have a

Re: what kind of material can pass through smt process?

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 29 17:29:46 EST 1998 | Dave F

| can some kind of through hole type connector pass through | the smt process (with IR technology)???? | the temperature factor or material factor????? | Flag: Most PTH components are not spec'd for reflow processes. PTH component suppliers, nomin

Re: E-mail pass word protection?

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 21 18:06:11 EDT 1999 | Cunli

| I would like to protect my SMTNet e-mail account from others who use my system. I can't seem to find the pass word feature. Although I do incurage going to the site on my system I don't like the idea that everyone can go through my e-mail. Jeff,

Re: E-mail pass word protection?

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 21 19:42:12 EDT 1999 | Jeff Sanchez

| | I would like to protect my SMTNet e-mail account from others who use my system. I can't seem to find the pass word feature. Although I do incurage going to the site on my system I don't like the idea that everyone can go through my e-mail. | | J

Typical first pass yield in electronics

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 27 07:20:34 EDT 1999 | Richard Marks

I'm a mechanical engineer and we buy electronic pressure sensors and switches. In doing quality audits, I need to understand what "best practice" will yield in terms of conforming product first time through the manufacturing process? Any data out t

IC marking unclear after pass reflow

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 31 09:16:41 EDT 2008 | davef

What is changing the marking on the part? * Is flux residue coating the part to change the the way light reflects from the part surface? [Run a board with tape on the part, then remove the tape prior to AOI] * Is the heat of the oven changing the mar

Re: Typical first pass yield in electronics

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 27 09:31:45 EDT 1999 | Robert L. McCallum

On circuit board assemblies first pass yields need to be above 98%, if a supplier is below this level it is a indication that: he has poor control of the manufacturing process; Poor component selection (price over quality; excepted a poor design from

Printing paste through screen mesh versus stencil

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 05 19:45:33 EST 2004 | davef

Sure, here's one: Micro-Screen; 1106 S High St, South Bend, IN 46001; 574-232-4358 Fax: 574-234-7496; Cathy info@microscreen.org http://www.microscreen.org We list the following company in our notes, but have never used them: SEFAR AMERICA - MEC P

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