Electronics Forum: pats (Page 1 of 10)

RoHS Weee

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 16 12:03:43 EST 2007 | mumtaz

Thanks you pat.

RoHS petition

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 13 05:46:42 EDT 2006 | Rob

Ok Pat, you've convinced me I give up!

Re: BGA - Damage to solder mask

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 18 20:51:29 EST 1999 | Dave F

| Can anyone recommend ways of reducing damage to solder masks ... a new wick perhaps. I find that using standard wicks the imposed damage is un-acceptable. | | Also any good links on the subject of bga rework would be really appreciated | | in ear

ML4851CS or ES -5

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 13 18:11:07 EDT 2001 | Pat Copeland

Does anyone out there use this chip. I have been searching the world for them. If you can spare any at all, please e-mail me. If not, where are the best sites to search for excess smt components. Thanks Pat Copeland

Re: Ferrite Bead 1206

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 02 11:16:45 EST 1999 | Dave F

Pat: No, but if you describe the situation we may be able to sort through your soldering problem. Good luck. Dave F

BGA - Damage to solder mask

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 13 11:21:22 EST 1999 | Patrick O' Herlihy

Can anyone recommend ways of reducing damage to solder masks ... a new wick perhaps. I find that using standard wicks the imposed damage is un-acceptable. Also any good links on the subject of bga rework would be really appreciated in earnest ...

Leadfree dip soldering

Electronics Forum | Mon May 09 01:30:40 EDT 2005 | Hannu

Hi Pat, And thanks for the sympathy :) This thing with ultrasonic transducer, is it something tried and trusted or is this a new idea for improving the wetting behaviour of leadfree alloys? This is completely new to me, can you please elaborate on

From an environmental issue to an organizational issue

Electronics Forum | Thu May 19 13:50:18 EDT 2005 | patrickbruneel

Hi y'all Here's an article on how well planned and structured the RoHS and WEEE directives are http://www.greensupplyline.com/160401298 Comments would be very welcome Pat

Ammonia in Peelable solder mask compatability to lead free

Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 22 16:11:13 EDT 2005 | Steve

You know Pat, I should just call you directly rather than post this stuff. You always have an answer. You must have been around awhile huh? :)

Cu dissolution PTH

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 07 16:54:41 EDT 2005 | Inds

Yup Pat, even I read that article.. would love to challange them..but can't.. i think the debate on whether to go lead-free or not.will continue ever and ever after.. WE can call it Lord of the Ring-Part 4 created by europeans..

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