Electronics Forum: used solder pots (Page 1 of 952)

Lead board finish - Lead-free solder used

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 01 14:50:05 EDT 2016 | dyoungquist

The bare pcb has lead HASL finish. Components are lead-free and lead-free solder was used to solder the plate-through components. Is this acceptable or will there be reliability issues?

Question about leaded parts used in leadfree soldering process

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 07 14:37:56 EDT 2006 | muse95

Yes, sorry, I have no detailed experience with wave-soldering. Probably if you use Pb components with Pbfree wave, you risk contaminating your wave solder pot. I don't know how much it would take or what all the dangers of that are, other than the

Yo! Who's got a decent used Airvac/Solder fountain for sale?

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 18 16:48:38 EDT 1998 | Steve Gregory

Hey there ya'll!! I went and looked at the used equipment page here, and I've also looked around at a few other sites to try and find me a used PTH dynamic solder pot...like a Airvac type of unit. It doesn't have to be as fancy as a Airvac, just

used wave soldering systems

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 26 16:49:57 EST 1998 | specnor tecnic corp

we have some rebuilt wave soldering systems in stock ready to be shipped. epk-ii smt with lambda wave, chip wave ,omega wave. 4 preheaters,jacking stand roll out computer control. machine is in a great shape. another machin upk15f with 6 preheaters

Nitrogen used in selective soldering

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 22 13:01:14 EST 2015 | dyoungquist

We are using a nitrogen generator (with a N2 storage tank) that feeds 1 selective solder machine. I do not know which type of generator it is. The N2 generator has an oxygen analyzer on it. The selective solder manufacturer recommends a N2 purity

Nitrogen used in selective soldering

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 22 10:21:46 EST 2015 | charliedci

I am curious to know how others are providing N2 for their lead free selective soldering process. If you are utilizing a nitrogen generator, is it a PSA type or Membrane type? I am trying to get a handle on nitrogen purity and what purity is necessar

Nitrogen used in selective soldering

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 23 11:27:45 EST 2015 | charliedci

Per our selective solder provider, they recommend a PSA type generator to supply the needed 99.999% pure N2. The membrane type (which we have) does not provide the minimum (99.995%) purity necessary for lead free wave soldering. They happen to sell P

Nitrogen used in selective soldering

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 23 10:31:01 EST 2015 | rgduval

What are the continuing costs on the N2 generator? Is there replaceable media that needs to be monitored/replaced at regular intervals to maintain N2 generation? We're currently using tank-supplied N2, but are just getting ready to fire up our sele

Nitrogen used in selective soldering

Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 24 02:10:42 EST 2015 | comatose

Liquid is significantly cheaper than compressed gas tanks if you are in continuous production. Of course, it will eat your lunch if you're running things for a few days, then the machine sits idle for two weeks. It boils off whether you use it or n

Nitrogen used in selective soldering

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 23 12:34:28 EST 2015 | dyoungquist

Our nitrogen generator and an air drying unit came with the selective solder machine when it was purchased new in 2008 as a package deal. We originally were feeding the system with air that was not properly dried. That lead to some maintenance cost

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