Technical Library: cleaning flux (Page 1 of 5)

Function and Operational Theory of Condenser Tube Flux Collection System

Technical Library | 2023-01-17 17:50:59.0

Heller's new Condenser Tube Flux Recovery System is designed to provide more efficient flux collection than earlier Heller flux collection systems; while providing minimal down time for inspection and cleaning. The entire system easily fits within the rear of the top shell of an 1800-EXL oven. The system utilizes a different set of top shell caps specially designed to provide the best serviceability of both the flux collection system and maintenance of the heater zone blower motors.

Heller Industries Inc.

A Novel Solution for No-Clean Flux not Fully Dried under Component Terminations

Technical Library | 2017-08-17 12:28:30.0

At SMT assembly, flux outgassing/drying is difficult for devices with poor venting channel, and resulted in insufficiently dried/burnt-off flux residue for no-clean process. Examples including: Large low stand-off components such as QFN, LGA Components covered under electromagnetic shield which has either no or few venting holes Components assembled within cavity of board Any other devices with small open space around solder joints

Indium Corporation

Validity of the IPC R.O.S.E. Method 2.3.25 Researched

Technical Library | 2010-06-10 21:01:48.0

This paper researches the effectiveness of the R.O.S.E. cleanliness testing process for dissolving and measuring ionic contaminants from boards soldered with no-clean and lead-free flux technologies.

KYZEN Corporation

Flux Collection and Self-Clean Technique in Reflow Applications

Technical Library | 2008-05-14 15:44:58.0

This paper will review some basic past and present flux chemistries that affect flux collection methodology. It will also review some of the most common flux collection methods, self-cleaning techniques, and maintenance goals. And, finally, data will be presented from high volume production testing of an advanced flux management system.

Speedline Technologies, Inc.

Conformal Coating over No Clean Flux Residues

Technical Library | 2015-03-04 10:56:26.0

As the proliferation of modern day electronics continues to drive miniaturization and functionality, electronic designers/assemblers face the issue of environmental exposure and uncommon applications never previously contemplated. This reality, coupled with the goal of reducing the environmental and health implications of the production and disposal of these devices, has forced manufacturers to reconsider the materials used in production. Furthermore, the need to increase package density and reduce costs has led to the rapid deployment of leadless packages such as QFN, POP, LGA, and Micro-BGA. In many cases, the manufacturers of these devices will recommend the use of no clean fluxes due to concerns over the ability to consistently remove flux residues from under and around these devices. These concerns, along with the need to implement a tin whisker mitigation strategy and/or increase environmental tolerance, have led to the conundrum of applying conformal coating over no clean residues.

AIM Solder

Using Hansen Space to Optimize Solvent Based Cleaning Processes for Manufacturing Electronic Assemblies.

Technical Library | 2009-07-09 17:23:07.0

Sometimes you just cannot clean with water. Good examples of this are: circuits with batteries attached, cleaning prior to encapsulation, ionic cleanliness testing, and non-sealed or other water sensitive parts. High impedance or high voltage circuits need to be cleaned of flux residues and other soils to maximize performance and reliability and, in these types of circuits; water can be just as detrimental as fluxes. When solvent cleaning is called for, Hansen solubility parameters can help target the best solvent or solvent blend to remove the residue of interest, and prevent degradation of the assembly being manufactured. In short, using this approach can time, manufacturing cost and reduce product liability.

Austin American Technology

No-Clean Flux Residue and Underfill Compatibility Effects on Electrical Reliability

Technical Library | 2013-04-11 15:43:17.0

With the explosion of growth in handheld electronics devices, manufacturers have been forced to look for ways to reinforce their assemblies against the inevitable bumps and drops that their products experience in the field. One method of reinforcement has been the utilization of underfills to "glue" certain SMDs to the PCB. Bumped SMDs attached to the PCB with a no-clean soldering process offer the unavoidable scenario of the underfill coming in contact with a flux residue. This may or may not create a reliability issue... First published in the 2012 IPC APEX EXPO technical conference proceedings

Indium Corporation

Cleaning Flux Residue under Leadless Components using Objective Evidence to Determine Cleaning Performance

Technical Library | 2019-08-14 22:20:55.0

Cleanliness is a product of design, including component density, standoff height and the cleaning equipment’s ability to deliver the cleaning agent to the source of residue. The presence of manufacturing process soil, such as flux residue, incompletely activated flux, incompletely cured solder masks, debris from handling and processing fixtures, and incomplete removal of cleaning fluids can hinder the functional lifetime of the product. Contaminates trapped under a component are more problematic to failure. Advanced test methods are needed to obtain "objective evidence" for removing flux residues under leadless components.Cleaning process performance is a function of cleaning capacity and defined cleanliness. Cleaning performance can be influenced by the PCB design, cleaning material, cleaning machine, reflow conditions and a wide range of process parameters.This research project is designed to study visual flux residues trapped under the bottom termination of leadless components. This paper will research a non-destructive visual method that can be used to study the cleanability of solder pastes, cleaning material effectiveness for the soil, cleaning machine effectiveness and process parameters needed to render a clean part.

KYZEN Corporation

Evaluation of No-Clean Flux Residues Remaining After Secondary Process Operations

Technical Library | 2023-04-17 17:05:47.0

In an ideal world, manufacturing devices would work all of the time, however, every company receives customer returns for a variety of reasons. If these returned parts contributed to a fail, most companies will perform failure analysis (FA) on the returned parts to determine the root cause of the failure. Failure can occur for a multitude of reasons, for example: wear out, fatigue, design issues, manufacturing flaw or defect. This information is then used to improve the overall quality of the product and prevent reoccurrence. If no defect is found, it is possible that in fact the product has no defect. On the other hand, the defect could be elusive and the FA techniques insufficient to detect said deficiency. No-clean flux residues can cause intermittent or elusive, hard to find defects. In an attempt to understand the effects of no-clean flux residues from the secondary soldering and cleaning processes, a matrix of varying process and cleaning operation was investigated. Of special interest, traveling flux residues and entrapped residues were examined, as well as localized and batch cleaning processes. Various techniques were employed to test the remaining residues in order to assess their propensity to cause a latent failure. These techniques include Surface Insulation Resistance1 (SIR) testing at 40⁰C/90% RH, 5 VDC bias along with C32 testing and Ion Exchange Chromatography (IC). These techniques facilitate the assessment of the capillary effect the tight spacing these component structures have when flux residues are present. It is expected that dendritic shorting and measurable current leakage will occur, indicating a failing SIR test. However, since the residue resides under the discrete components, there will be no visual evidence of dendritic growth or metal migration.

Foresite Inc.

The Risk And Solution For No-Clean Flux Not Fully Dried Under Component Terminations the Risk And Solution For No-Clean Flux Not Fully Dried Under Component Terminations

Technical Library | 2020-11-24 23:01:04.0

The miniaturization trend is driving industry to adopting low standoff components or components in cavity. The cost reduction pressure is pushing telecommunication industry to combine assembly of components and electromagnetic shield in one single reflow process. As a result, the flux outgassing/drying is getting very difficult for devices due to poor venting channel. This resulted in insufficiently dried/burnt-off flux residue. For a properly formulated flux, the remaining flux activity posed no issue in a dried flux residue for no-clean process. However, when venting channel is blocked, not only solvents remain, but also activators could not be burnt off. The presence of solvents allows mobility of active ingredients and the associated corrosion, thus poses a major threat to the reliability. In this work, a new halogen-free no-clean SnAgCu solder paste, 33-76-1, has been developed. This solder paste exhibited SIR value above the IPC spec 100 MΩ without any dendrite formation, even with a wet flux residue on the comb pattern. The wet flux residue was caused by covering the comb pattern with 10 mm × 10 mm glass slide during reflow and SIR testing in order to mimic the poorly vented low standoff components. The paste 33-76-1 also showed very good SMT assembly performance, including voiding of QFN and HIP resistance. The wetting ability of paste 33-76-1 was very good under nitrogen. For air reflow, 33-76-1 still matched paste C which is widely accepted by industry for air reflow process. The above good performance on both non-corrosivity with wet flux residue and robust SMT process can only be accomplished through a breakthrough in flux technology.

Indium Corporation

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