Industry News: bga re-balling (Page 1 of 3)

The SMTA Capital Chapter to Host First Meeting of the Year on March 17th at EIT

Industry News | 2015-02-04 18:05:58.0

he SMTA Capital Chapter is pleased to announce its first meeting of 2015 on March 17th, scheduled from 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm at EIT (Main Building Lunchroom), 108 Carpenter Drive, Sterling, VA 20164. The focus of this chapter meeting will be “Elimination of Pb-Free Risk by Robotic Hot Solder Dip (RHSD)” presented by Donald Tyler, Managing Director, Corfin Industries.

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

Donald Tyler, Corfin, to Present “Elimination of Pb-Free Risk by Robotic Hot Solder Dip” at the SMTA Capital Chapter Meeting March 17th

Industry News | 2015-03-11 18:05:46.0

The SMTA Capital Chapter is pleased to announce Donald Tyler, Managing Director, Corfin Industries, will present “Elimination of Pb-Free Risk by Robotic Hot Solder Dip (RHSD)” at its first meeting of 2015 on March 17th, scheduled from 5:30 pm to 8:00 pm at EIT (Main Building Lunchroom), 108 Carpenter Drive, Sterling, VA 20164.

Surface Mount Technology Association (SMTA)

Altus Group Introduces Innovative BGA Reballing Solution to Meet Growing Sustainability Demands

Industry News | 2024-09-30 19:54:13.0

Altus Group has introduced an advanced BGA re-balling solution to address the electronics industry's growing focus on sustainability and cost-efficiency. Developed by their pre-eminent supplier, Essemtec, this innovative process offers manufacturers a new approach to component recovery and reuse, aligning with increasing market demands for environmentally conscious practices.

Altus Group

PDR Releases Re-Ball Mode Software as Part of ThermoActive Software Suite

Industry News | 2019-03-03 18:54:54.0

PDR today announced the release of Re-Ball Mode Software now available as part of its award-winning ThermoActive Suite Software Package. This latest feature allows the operator to select the software configuration, temperature management and profile management necessary for the successful completion of BGA re-balling operations when using PDR Systems.


Circuit Technology Center Installs Second Hentec/RPS Robotic Hot Solder Dip Machine

Industry News | 2021-02-09 12:28:27.0

Odyssey 1325 provides high reliability BGA alloy exchange and component re-finishing capabilities

Hentec Industries, Inc. (RPS Automation)

Circuit Technology Center Commissions New XRF X-ray System

Industry News | 2021-08-13 08:37:00.0

Circuit Technology Center announces that it has recently purchased and commissioned an Oxford 980 X-Strata series XRF (x-ray fluorescence) system to support the testing of electronic components for restricted substances such as lead or tin above specified limits. The system can also verify the coating thickness. Defense base customers often require XRF verification testing of components after components have been processed through lead-free to leaded solder alloy exchange for tin mitigation applications. XRF testing may also be required to verify RoHS compliance of components that have been re-balled or re-processed for lead-free applications. In addition to XRF testing, Circuit Technology Center also supports ionic cleanliness testing, X-ray, Acoustic Microscopy, Solderability, and BGA ball shear testing services.

Circuit Technology Center, Inc.

EdmondMarks Technologies opening a new high tech EMS facility.

Industry News | 2007-02-28 21:19:00.0

EdmondMarks Technologies is opening a new EMS facility in Neptune, New Jersey.

EdmondMarks Technologies

Circuit Technology Center Releases Updated Bonding System

Industry News | 2021-11-12 04:07:03.0

Circuit Technology Center announces it has released an updated version of its popular Bonding System.

Circuit Technology Center, Inc.

Circuit Technology Center Partners with Hentec RPS to Provide World-Class Component Modification Services

Industry News | 2022-01-24 18:01:46.0

Available component modification services utilizing Hentec/RPS Odyssey RHSD systems include BGA de-balling, gold mitigation, lead tinning and tin whisker mitigation.

Hentec Industries, Inc. (RPS Automation)

SemiPack Invests in Additional Hentec/RPS Photon Steam Aging System

Industry News | 2021-05-18 14:19:48.0

Photon steam aging system provides accelerated life testing simulating elongated storage conditions for high reliability applications.

Hentec Industries, Inc. (RPS Automation)

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