Electronics Forum: juki door (Page 1 of 1)

Mycronic vs. Juki: Your Opinions?

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 24 05:07:03 EDT 2023 | smtusa

On average year how much problems did you have with mychronic? They have some features that are appealing to me that other manufacturers don't do: front feeder loading system, fit through a 36" door, no air compressor make it desirable for offi

Juki vs. Mydata??? Operational input appreciated!

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 04 15:34:26 EST 2002 | pjc

An effective method to compare the two machines is to go to each vendor's nearest demo facility. Go there with PWBs, components and board data. Find out from each vendor what the minimum board data they'll need- like X-Y Centroid, Theta and Reference

why are there still a lot of JUKI KE series running?

Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 22 12:34:12 EDT 2023 | sarason

From the Sales perspective all machinery dealers were worth knowing and if they turned up on my doorstep, I was always up for a chat and I would gladly share what they wanted to know. As I was always interested in collecting information for the time


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