Electronics Forum: quad communication (Page 1 of 2)

Quad Profile-S - No communication with

Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 05 10:12:00 EDT 2015 | tnisbet

Hi JR, We have all the cards that you need to resolve your communication issue. Please contact george@goppm.com or call 1-603-895-5112.

0201 feeders

Electronics Forum | Thu May 18 11:55:15 EDT 2006 | RLM

Is a Juki feeder a stand alone unit or does it need to communicate with the assembler ? I can operate a Quad feeder just by hooking it up to a proper voltage source. No need to communicate with a computer. If the Juki's will operate this way maybe I

Quad IQ feeder does not exist error

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 19 05:26:22 EDT 2013 | bobpan

There should be a sticker on the feeder that says 10-??????. This is the feeder part number. I think the IQ feeder manual tells you at what point the feeders will communicate with the IQ software.

Pinout for Quad CP30/CP40 Feeder connector

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 09 16:07:22 EDT 2020 | bobpan

I love beer...haha IQ is communication between the feeder and machine to let the software know that the machine is picking the correct part. If you need further help....you can email me at www.precision-repairs.com

Quad 4C completely hangs on power up

Electronics Forum | Mon Dec 30 21:38:56 EST 2013 | jkoughan

I've got a scary one for you guys and desperately need your help - We just purchased a second Quad 4C and had some communication problems when we first turned it on (we're still working on that issue). To chase down the problem, we decided to start

Quad Profile-S - Require "offset.exe" s/w for temp calibration.

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 03 21:36:33 EDT 2015 | cadco

Update 6 Oct 15: We have completely re-configured the oven PID boards such that everything is now visible on the oven by the s/w and all is now OK since the "Machine"card is now recognized. We have just one additional procedure to do and that is

Feeder Communication

Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 01 12:05:52 EST 2007 | slthomas

"...but does the Quad have any sensing of what is going on in the feeder?" Not with the feeders we use. Same deal as the Topaz, i.e., the machine knows if the nozzle has a part on it, but doesn't know what is happening in the feeder. There are "smar

QUAD 4C motor error #5

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 28 21:47:22 EDT 2013 | nophsem

HI! We have a QUAD 4C since 8 months . Yesterday the head remained immobile in the position where it put the last component to complete a board and indicates Motor Error # 5 (SRX engine communication time-out) and I don’t know what it means and ho

Screen Printer Help - 100MV UP100 or Quad 100MV

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 08 14:29:20 EST 2021 | mendez

Great. I just send them an email; I appreciate your support. Quick question: I found it odd that the printer seems to be working fine when I turn it on for the first time. But as soon as I push the two "PRINT" buttons, a window of VAC came up and th

Multitroniks, Quad System and Tyco Info

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 03 15:20:18 EDT 2001 | stmerkt

The press release attached below provides some insight into the direction Tyco is planning to head with the Automation Group. For Immediate Release Tyco Electronics Expands Automation Group; Offers Quad Systems Assembly Equipment Quad Systems

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