CMD Circuits co., Ltd Products

SMT Products and Services offered by CMD Circuits co., Ltd

CMD Circuits co., Ltd

CMD Circuits is a full service flexible circuits and printed circuit boards manufacturer from china »»

Headquarters: Dongguan, China

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3 listed by CMD Circuits co., Ltd



Metal dome and metal snap domes

Metal dome (also named snap dome, tacticle domes) is the most improtant part of the switches. The metal domes are mainly use in the membrane switches, printed circuit boards, flexible circuit boards. The raw material is the thickness from 0.05mm to 0.1mm stainless steel. The function of metal do...

Metal dome and metal snap domes

Test Equipment

Printed Circuit Board

Printed Circuit Boards(PCBs) are used to electrically connect electronic components using conductive pathways, traces, etched from copper sheets laminated onto a non-conductive substrate. Our manufacturing processes utilise the latest techniques and sophisticated workers. We can provide you FR-4...

Printed Circuit Board

Test Equipment

Flexible Circuits

Flexible Circuits (also named Flex Circuits or Flexible PCB) stands for flexible printed circuit. The flexible printed circuits were originally designed as a replacement for traditional wire harnesses. Flexible Circuits consist of conductive strips of metal enscapulated with insulating dielectric ...

Flexible Circuits

Test Equipment

SMT spare parts - Qinyi Electronics

ICT Total SMT line Provider